Have You Been Wondering How YOU Can Harness The Ancient Healing Powers Of Qigong?
Learn quick and simple methods to supercharge your health so that you feel revitalised, relaxed and ready to take on the world!
Do you often feel as though your mind is not your own?
No matter how hard you try, you have no control over the endless, random thoughts whirring through your brain? They’re exhausting, right?…They keep you awake at night, impinge upon your waking day, create anxiety, stress and a huge feeling of overwhelm. Sometimes you feel as though your head could literally explode!
And what about your body?
Do you feel in control of it…. or does it feel heavy, draggy, tense, stiff and inflexible, sometimes to the point that you feel physical PAIN….
Do you worry about sliding down a slippery slope of physical health problems in the future with no way to stop the slide?
Sleep is an elusive butterfly…
Does this sound familiar?
It takes ages to go to sleep in the first place then I wake multiple times during the night and can’t get back to sleep….when it’s time to get up I’m then ready for another 3 hours in bed but instead I have to get out of bed and face into the day exhausted and anxious about how I’m going to keep it together to focus on my job, take care of my kids and get everything done without snapping at everyone I meet or collapsing through exhaustion…
Want to jump off the out of control roller-coaster?
“Fire-fighting” through the day is becoming a repetitive pattern – the new norm for you – and you haven’t a clue what to do about it…..to the point where it’s making you frustrated and maybe even depressed.
You feel like a hamster in a wheel just going around and around and not getting anywhere – only slipping into a state of more physical and mental exhaustion.
How terrible is it that you maybe can’t even remember the last time you were brimming with energy or glowing with health?
So, Do You Want To Liberate Yourself From This Totally Unacceptable Situation?
Magic Superpowers Would Be One Solution…..
Imagine if you had superpower magic skills to:

zap your endless mind chatter

relax and revitalise your tired body

fine-tune your focus

overcome your overwhelm

extinguish your exhaustion

Minimise overwhelm so that nothing throws you off course

annihilate your anxiety

stymie your stress

….even win sleeping competitions!
None of us have superpowers…however….
I can’t give you the power of flight or the ability to make that annoying relative vanish in a puff of smoke!…….but what I can teach you is how to quickly, simply and ENJOYABLY:

Clear your busy mind, transforming it into one that is crystal clear and focused?

Quell anxiety and stress so that you feel at ease and relaxed?

Enjoy peaceful sleep so that you hop out of bed the next day brimming with energy?

Melt away the pain and tension in your body more easily than hot butter on toast so that it feels loose and flexible?

Elevate your mood, then keep it elevated and stable so that your loved ones think you are joy to be around?

Minimise overwhelm so that nothing throws you off course

Have energy left at the end of the day to ENJOY pursuing hobbies and spending time with friends and family.

Achieve an optimistic, confident attitude to managing your life now AND IN THE FUTURE

Manifest radiant health and feel like the old you, only one hundred times better!
Energise your body, train your brain and supercharge your health with the Space To Relax Qigong Course… all from the comfort of your own home!
So what is Qigong (also called Chi Kung)?
It has a weird Chinese name but put simply, it is an ancient branch of Traditional Chinese Medicine (other branches you will have heard of include acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine). Qigong healing methods are simple exercises involving the breath, the mind and easy movements which promote the free flow of circulation of energy and blood throughout the body, having the effect of rebalancing health (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). You can think of it like a kind of moving meditation.
The benefits of Qigong which have been recorded over thousands of years unquestionably include:

Helping you to relax (physically, mentally and emotionally) so that you will have more energy and clearer mind.

Calming your mind, adjusts your breath and posture.

Strengthening your health to prevent onset of illness.

Treating your illness – Medical Qigong meditations and exercises can have a significant impact on your recovery from illness.

Improving your longevity – practitioners of Qigong look younger and are reputed to live longer!
I Want To Supercharge My Health With This Qigong 50-week Course By Becoming A Space To Relax Member…
Monthly membership €47 Now €37 (approx. USD 36)
Annual membership €447 Now €357 (approx. USD 355) (@ €30/month so best value)
Secure Order Form – 100% Protected & Safe
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are unhappy for any reason, we will refund your payment. No Questions Asked!
The Space To Relax Online Qigong Course Includes:
One new Qigong lesson per week for a total of 50 weeks (yes, almost a year!)
You will have access to more than 12 hours of step-by-step video and audio easy to follow lessons. You will be notified by e-mail when each new lesson becomes available. Each lesson consists of:

a professionally filmed Qigong video (10-20 mins duration) so you can see each exercise clearly demonstrated and explained by me

a Qigong audio file to download so you can practice outside in nature and listen to the instructions on a smartphone

a Qigong PDF file to download providing you with step-by-step details and more theory about each new method
Above is an extract from Lesson 1 in the membership site showing you how to breathe more efficiently, relax and calm your mind using abdominal breathing. This will give you a clear idea of the quality of video and detailed instruction you can look forward to by deciding to follow this program.
The audio and PDF files are available for you to download to your laptop and keep for life.
The videos are for members only and therefore can only be accessed for the duration of your membership; a bit like a gym membership where you can only access the equipment for as long as you are a member.
One new Qigong lesson per week for a total of 50 weeks (yes, almost a year!)

In contrast to free stuff out there which only tells you what to do, this course explains HOW to learn Qigong exercises in the BEST way possible for you, resulting in the biggest benefits to your health.

Each lesson builds upon the previous one so you accumulate your experience step by step. You are guided by me along an easy to follow roadmap which minimises the overwhelm created by some courses offering all their videos at once (so you don’t have a clue where to start).

The emphasis throughout this course is on how to easily incorporate the methods into your everyday routine (rather than sitting on top of a mountain or standing for hours in a forest meditating!).
PLUS – The course comes with TWO Big Bonuses:

BONUS 1: You get access to me in a secret Facebook group, exclusive to members, where I will personally help you with any individual questions you have and support you every step of the way as you progress towards supreme health.

BONUS 2: You get a FREE guided meditation download: Mini Qigong Meditation Course made up of 3 mind calming, relaxing audio meditations (nearly 40 minutes packed full of bliss-inducing mindfulness!).
I Want To Supercharge My Health With This Qigong 50-week Course By Becoming A Space To Relax Member…
Monthly membership €47 Now €37 (approx. USD 36)
Annual membership €447 Now €357 (approx. USD 355) (@ €30/month so best value)
Secure Order Form – 100% Protected & Safe
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are unhappy for any reason, we will refund your payment. No Questions Asked!
Praise And Testimonials
My biggest frustration prior to coming to Space To Relax was sciatica and cramping in the psoas muscle, weakness in my leg muscles and poor posture. Since joining Space To Relax I find my legs are much stronger. The sciatica is gone, same with the muscle cramps in the psoas muscle. My posture is improving which I’m very happy about. I also think my breathing is deeper and more relaxed. I can now climb steps without getting breathless and feeling weak. I feel my stamina is much improved. Even just a short Qigong session will increase my energy level in a calm way.
The biggest difference between all the free Qigong available online and being part of the paid Space To Relax membership programme is the detail in the explanations and the demonstration of the movements in the lesson videos.
By being a member of the Space To Relax Facebook members group, I know I can ask a question if I need to, and I get an almost immediate and very personal reply which shows me that Janice really takes an interest in each of her students.
Janice is very detailed and clear in her explanations and takes things slowly so that you are not overwhelmed with trying to follow the moves.
I would most definitely recommend Janice Tucker and the Space To Relax membership programme.
Being a member of space to relax has allowed me to realize that breathing is the best thing.
My life is difficult right now with moving house, with COVID and with stress. Qigong and Janice have been a support system for me. I’m absolutely sure I will carry on as long as I’m able.
I love Janice’s approach. Qigong may seem to some to be rather esoteric and Janice is so practical, down to earth and friendly.
I would totally recommend Janice Tucker and the Space To Relax programme.
My biggest struggle was with chronic pain and lack of mindfulness. Since joining Space To Relax, I realised how simple the Qigong moves are and how basic they are to do on a daily basis. For me, I’m now much more mindful and learning to accept myself more.
The biggest difference between all the free Qigong available out there online and the Space To Relax paid lessons is that the paid membership is more like a tight ship. I don’t think anyone is afraid to put out there how they really feel.
By being a member of the Space To Relax Facebook group I know that Janice is at my call every day. She gets back to you super quick, which isn’t something you’d get everywhere.
Janice is warm kind and nurturing to your whole being.
I would absolutely recommend Janice Tucker and the Space To Relax membership programme.
Before coming to the space to relax programme, I wasn’t feeling connected to nature as much as I would have liked to be. Now I am totally connected. Now I’m able to disregard negative situations just by breathing and letting go wherever I am. The membership programme offers far more detail than any of the free Qigong out there.
Several months ago I had a fall while out walking. I didn’t break anything, but I was badly bruised and had sprained my right arm and shoulder. I feel that having started Janice’s programme several months before this happened helped so much in my speedy recovery!
By being a member of the member’s only Space To Relax Facebook group, I know that Janice is always there for me. Janice is an incredible teacher. She’s extraordinary in that her knowledge, kindness, patience, sincerity and attention to detail are amazing. Plus, I love the fact that she is so natural in every way and totally connected to nature.
I would absolutely recommend Janice and the Space To Relax membership programme.
To help you decide if this course is for you here are a few questions I’m often asked by anyone about to embark upon this health-enhancing adventure!
What if I have never done Qigong before?
The Qigong lessons are easy (my youngest member is 14 years old and she loves it!) so are perfect if you are just beginning Qigong. The beauty of Qigong techniques is that it can be practiced by anyone of any age or ability. You are guided by me every step of the way during the video lessons and through the Facebook group so you can be confident that help will always be at hand.
What if I don't have enough time to practice Qigong every day?
Each lesson is short (less than 10-30 minutes) so you don’t need much time to watch the videos of Qigong exercises. Once you are familiar with the lesson, actually performing each method often takes less time than that. However if you are really under pressure, one of the things I emphasise is how easy it is to integrate the meditations into daily activities. And if you can’t do it every day….well…just do it the next day but don’t beat yourself up for not practising daily.
Do I have to adopt a new religion or spiritual belief to do this?
Absolutely not. Qigong is simply working with the breath, mind and simple postures to restore your health – and everyone wants to be healthy, regardless of their religion or spiritual belief.
I'm worried that I might make a pain/injury worse.
Before embarking upon any new exercise routine you should consult your doctor. If you have back or neck problems especially, you may want to modify the exercises in consultation with your doctor. I provide guidance during the exercises for people with specific health problems (that’s one of the reasons why it is important to be able to ask me questions) but keep in mind that it is important to work within your own limits. All of the Qigong lessons can be easily adapted for your individual level of ability.
I often start these things then lose enthusiasm/motivation so how will this course be different?
Because the lessons are short and you have a week in between each one to practice it is easy to fit in the time to learn Qigong. Once you quickly start to notice the benefits this will be all the motivation you need. The emphasis is on integrating the lessons into your day which means it is easier to stay motivated. The Facebook group is a collection of like-minded people who all jolly each other along, keeping each other motivated. Of course I’ll be in there too, sprinkling tasty morsels of Qigong titbits to keep you enthused!
What if I miss a lesson or fall behind?
No problem. Once you have a video lesson it is available for the duration of your membership so you can go back to it at any time. In fact, it is advisable to review past lessons or maybe go over a few together if you have time, to reinforce your confidence before moving forwards. Weekly gaps between lessons are only a guideline but if you prefer to move forwards at a slower pace that is fine too.
Surely it is better to go to a class that learn Qigong online?
That is true, but not everyone has the luxury of a Qigong class locally which they can attend every week, taught by a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine with more than 15 years experience. So do you fall into one of these categories?
- You may be living in the middle of nowhere, or in the middle of a town with no Qigong teacher.
- You may be a shift worker who cannot get to regular weekly classes because of your work schedule.
- You may be a care-giver, looking after a sick or elderly relative, or young children and cannot leave the house but can take a 20 minute break to learn from a video.
How does an online course work? I'm not technological so I'm not sure I could access the lessons.
Once you sign up to retrain your brain and body with me it’s simple. You will be sent your log in details by e-mail. You then just go over to the website, log in, and your first lesson will be waiting for you in the membership area. Click play to watch the video and away you go.
I don't use Facebook so how can I get support if I have questions?
You can e-mail me directly: janice@spacetorelax.com and I’ll get back to you in two shakes of a lamb’s tail!
What happens if I start it and don't like it?
You have a 30 day, no questions asked, money back guarantee so there is no risk!
In Short, The Space To Relax Qigong Course Will Work For You Even If You Are An Unmotivated, Time Constrained, Non-Techno, Facebook Allergic Beginner Who Lives On The Top Of A Mountain (However You Do Need Internet Access)!
I’m sure you agree that having a teacher who knows their stuff is crucial to how much benefit you will get out of learning Qigong to balance your health. Here’s a bit about me….

After leaving behind my biology degree and PhD (primarily because I couldn’t get a job when I moved to Ireland) I had to create a different path for myself (or risk falling into the depths of depression) so I studied to be a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner (having spent a stack of money on professional career advice – so worth it!). Having always wanted to help people this was the perfect vocation for me and my biology background certainly came in handy.

I qualified in 2000 and am a member of the Acupuncture Council of Ireland. I have been helping clients since then to relieve their pain and relax their minds so I’ve had plenty of time to figure out what works most effectively to bring your health back into balance.

I learned these proven and repeatable Qigong techniques at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangzhou, China on 4 separate occasions, initially in 2000. This thorough training was taught to me first hand by 2 highly respected Medical Qigong Professors (Prof. Xia Shuangquan and Prof. Song Xinhong)…..so I know what I’m talking about!

Hundreds of students in the past 15 years have trusted me to teach them Medical Qigong (Chinese breathing, relaxation, meditation and movements) to promote free flow of energy throughout the body in order to restore physical, emotional and mental health – so I’ve had lots of practice (I’m also a qualified schoolteacher and have been told I’m a pretty good at imparting knowledge!).

AND MOST IMPORTANTLY… I love making a difference to the lives of the people I work with. Showing people who are suffering how to make simple but profound positive changes to their life and health gives me such a buzz – and that’s why I’ve been doing this for 15 years!

I Want To Supercharge My Health With This Qigong 50-week Course By Becoming A Space To Relax Member…
Monthly membership €47 Now €37 (approx. USD 36)
Annual membership €447 Now €357 (approx. USD 355) (@ €30/month so best value)
Secure Order Form – 100% Protected & Safe
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are unhappy for any reason, we will refund your payment. No Questions Asked!
This course is not for you if you’re not:
willing to watch the videos of the Qigong lessons
excited at the prospect of being in control of your stress and your health rather than the other way around
wanting a calmer, more relaxed mind and peaceful sleep
bothered by the feeling of wanting to throw your kids/husband/boss out of window when they ask you to do something for them!
curious as to how you can effortlessly incorporate simple stress relieving, health balancing methods (aka funky Qigong tricks) into your day.
So Here You Are, At The Divergence Of Two Paths…
Your mind chatter and overwhelm will multiply
Your mood will continue increase on the grumpy scale of 1 to 10
Your energy levels will continue to decline
Your physical tension, stress and pain will debilitate you further
Your quality of sleep will continue to deteriorate
….need I go on…..?
TAKE PATH 2 – YOU TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR LIFE and do something to help yourself… Here’s your NEW typical day:
You get out of bed in the morning and practice 10 minutes of Qigong. Immediately your mind is clear, calm and focused.
You feel energised and relaxed, ready to tackle the day head on, confident that you can take on the world. Your mood is upbeat, chipper, maybe even gleeful!.
Your energy levels have been catapulted through the roof! Your pain has subsided and your body feels loose, supple and relaxed.
You have an abundant capacity to cope and get all your stuff done in the day with loads of energy in reserve to pursue hobbies in the evenings and spend time enjoying the company of loved ones.
You go to bed knowing that your sleep will be blissfully peaceful and you will wake up the next day feeling like you are walking on air!

Pause for a moment and imagine how days like this will impact on your life and the lives of those close to you……
I’m sure you know from experience that any change takes a bit of effort – but the rewards often pay you back 100x over.
So which path will you choose? Do you owe this to yourself? You be the judge.
This Could Mean The Difference Between Constantly Feeling At Your Wits’ End As You (Unsuccessfully) Navigate The Choppy Waters Of Life… And Sailing Smoothly Through Life On An Even Keel!
I Want To Supercharge My Health With This Qigong 50-week Course By Becoming A Space To Relax Member…
Monthly membership €47 Now €37 (approx. USD 36)
Annual membership €447 Now €357 (approx. USD 355) (@ €30/month so best value)
Secure Order Form – 100% Protected & Safe
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
If you are unhappy for any reason, we will refund your payment. No Questions Asked!