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About Janice Tucker

You are reading this because you were meant to be here right now, on this page. You did not find me by chance – there is no such thing. You are here because you are looking for effective methods to upgrade your health. You may have other issues that you would like to address but, upon digging deeper, you will find that 99% of them can be taken care of by taking care of yourself and developing robust, long-lasting health.

I am Janice Tucker, a half English, half Welsh woman, living in Ireland, practising Chinese medicine and acupuncture, and teaching Qigong (how’s that for a mixture)! I help people who want to take positive steps to augment their health.

You are someone who may be struggling with:


a “won’t switch off” mind;



inability to focus;


stiff/painful joints.

You may be fed up with feeling like you are “fire-fighting” your way through life with very little control. You may be worried that if your current lifestyle continues in this way then it could ultimately lead to you burn out and almost certainly be set you up for some health problems down the line.

I am able to help you by guiding you every step of the way down the road to becoming bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!

You are looking to relax and calm your busy mind, quell anxiety and stress, enjoy peaceful sleep, melt away the pain and tension in your body, elevate your mood and minimise overwhelm so that nothing throws you off course.

For more than 15 years, I have been helping thousands of people just like you to achieve an optimistic, confident attitude to presiding over their health now AND IN THE FUTURE.

Why Should You Listen To Me?

My Virgo perfectionist trait has driven me down a “want to know everything” pathway leading to a degree and PhD in Zoology, a qualification as a secondary school science teacher, a Licentiate in Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture and 4 month long study visits to train in Medical Qigong at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Guangzhou, China. (I still can’t quite believe I did all that without having a mental meltdown!). I also have an annoying personality flaw which is perfectly fulfilled by doing what I do but more about that later.

More than 20 years ago I learned that Western medicine can offer some spectacular solutions to medical conditions and illnesses (it saved the life of one of my immediate family). At this time I never imagined that I would open my mind to the world of Chinese medicine and Qigong. However, here’s how I (semi-strategically with a bit of divine intervention) fell into what I’m doing now…

The Incident

Upon moving to Dublin to be with my partner at the time, I was faced with a huge dilemma – no job!

The Search

I applied to numerous scientific companies for work with no luck. As a non-Irish speaker I could not teach in an Irish secondary school because, at that time, Irish language was a requirement for teachers. So many qualifications and seemingly unemployable! This was a huge challenge to my feelings of not being good enough and for a few months I felt pretty hopeless.

The Answer

After much soul searching and giving myself a stern talking to, I stopped feeling sorry for myself took professional careers advice. That is when Chinese medicine popped up on the radar. It was the perfect solution for me. I was able to put my biology background to use, learn something new and challenging, and fulfil my passion of helping people. It’s also the only job I’ve ever done where I haven’t been bored within a year!

A few years ago I had the unique opportunity to gain an international qualification as a CINERGY® certified Conflict Management Coach. You may wonder how this could possibly fit into my Chinese Medicine and Qigong world!

Just ask yourself this – have you ever experienced worry, anxiety or anger because of a conflict with a family member or someone at work – so much so that it made you ill?

Well there you have it, conflict can make you sick! How many people take days and weeks off work because of stress? Often this is due to a terrible relationship at work which has driven them crazy with worry or frustration.

I think you’ll agree that being able to move away from a situation of feeling so bad about a conflict that it makes you ill to a place where you feel some sense of resolution or peace of mind can only improve your health.

How My Eclectic Background Can Help You

Since qualifying in 2000 I have been developing my reputation as an experienced Chinese medicine and Qigong practitioner. My 3 well-established clinical practices in Kerry, Ireland have allowed me to gain a unique 3-pronged perspective around the world of health management:

My conventional biology training allows me to understand health in a conventional way.

My Chinese medicine training allows me to view health from the 5000ft view – to know that your health depends on many factors; diet, exercise, sex, emotions, work, family, relationships, etc.
My Qigong training and my teaching experience bestowed upon me even more ways to help you to learn how to manage your health for yourself, nipping potential problems in the bud before they become a huge, unmanageable, worrisome pain in the butt!
My Conflict Management Coaching allows me to help you learn how to manage “difficult” and “challenging” relationships, especially if they are having a negative impact on your health, and especially if they involve family members or people you see at work every day who you can’t exactly just cut out of your life!

I am so grateful and fortunate that I’ve been able to spend the last 15 years helping and teaching thousands of face to face, motivated clients and students to make whopping differences to the state of their physical, mental and emotional health.

I Believe That…

anyone can learn how to turn their health around.

you can be in control of your life.

nobody need worry how to take the helm where their future health is concerned.

my blend of understanding of Western and Chinese medicine puts me in a unique position to help thousands more people. If you are feeling stuck in the mud and are looking to take positive action towards fulfilling your health potential but not quite sure how to go about it, then why not think about working with me?

My purpose is to show as many people as possible how to rebalance their health without using up their life savings! Creating the Space to Relax online programmes means I can now take my past experience of teaching “in person” Qigong workshops to hundreds of students and fulfil this mission by offering even more of you the opportunity to truly blossom, flourish and put yourself back “in the pink”.

Oops, almost forgot…my annoying personality flaw is that I have an uncontrollable urge to want to fix people, even if they don’t want me to fix them! My family and friends find this irritating to say the least. Having a steady flow of clients and students who want to be “fixed” has allowed me to get my fix of “fixing”, significantly decreasing close encounters of the “just butt out” kind with my loved ones!

Just fill out the form below and I’ll get back to you in two shakes of a lamb’s tail!

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