Qigong Relaxation Techniques
Do you know what relaxation really is? I’m going to turn your idea of relaxation on its head and explain to you exactly what it is in Qigong terms. You will find out how you can use Qigong relaxation techniques to very quickly and easily improve your ability to relax. This means that instead of feeling stressed and overwhelmed, you feel calm, focused and in control.
My name is Janice Tucker and I’m a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and practitioner of Medical Qigong. I’ve observed in face to face clinics and in Qigong workshops that most people don’t have a clear idea of relaxation.
Many people think relaxation is sitting down watching TV, having a lie down, going to the gym to work out or doing some form of vigorous exercise. However, from a Qigong perspective, when we think of relaxation we are thinking of anything that allows the smooth flow of Qi (energy) around your body.
Therefore, sitting down and watching TV is not relaxation. This is something people often do when they are exhausted at the end of the day. The visual stimulation from TV and other screen activities is not relaxing. It does not promote the smooth flow of Qi. Being in the gym or exercising vigorously is not relaxing either as it often puts pressure on the body. It is obviously beneficial for us all to exercise but bear in mind that vigorous exercise is not true relaxation.
In Qigong we know that the state of our Qi determines the state of our whole being (physical, mental, spiritual and emotional). The ability of our Qi to flow smoothly around our bodies and exist in abundance has a massive impact on our health.
When our Qi comes under pressure it is affected in one of two ways:
1. The Qi becomes obstructed or blocked;
2. The Qi becomes deficient or exhausted.
When this happens various health problems can then develop such as aches and pains in the body, an inability to sleep peacefully, mental exhaustion, physical exhaustion, anxiety and overwhelm.
So we now get the idea that it’s very important to not put our Qi under too much pressure. We need to stay as relaxed as possible for the majority of the time. This is not always an easy thing to do in our modern day, sometimes chaotic, time-pressured lives, but that is the aim!
When we practice Qigong relaxation techniques like breathing and meditation or physical Qigong exercises we enter a state of relaxation. Our conscious mind lets go of thoughts and events from the day. Our muscles begin to relax. The channels of Qi flow around our bodies begin to open up so that the Qi flows more smoothly. The knots start to loosen.
The practice of Qigong relaxation techniques also increases our awareness of where we’re at health-wise. The smooth flow of Qi enhances our ability to heal ourselves. It also increases our energy, leads to peaceful sleep and promotes harmonious balance in our bodies (physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally).
If you want to learn some Qigong relaxation techniques which will significantly help you to reduce stress and improve your health then go to the Space To Relax homepage. Scroll to the bottom of the page to download a free Qigong audio meditation called “Calm Your Busy Mind in 8 Minutes“. This will quickly and easily improve your ability to relax and calm your mind.
Also at the top of the homepage there is a free Qigong video series that you can download. This shows you three effective Qigong exercises which will significantly help you with relaxation. Each one is less than 5 minutes so they are very convenient and easy to practice.
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Now it’s your turn! Leave a comment below and let me know what you are currently doing to relax. Do you think what you are doing is truly a relaxing technique and promoting the free flow of Qi? If not, what will you do differently in the future? 🙂