Qigong Standing Posture
This video from Dr Janice Tucker at Space To Relax explains the correct Qigong standing posture. To get the most benefit from Qigong practice you need to stand such that the Qi flows in an unimpeded and unobstructed way around the body.
Janice Tucker is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medical Qigong, and the founder of the Space To Relax online programme of Qigong video lessons.
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By making small adjustments in your Qigong standing posture you can make a world of difference to the flow of Qi around your body. When your Qi is flowing freely your health has the potential to skyrocket!
The following extract is taken from Lesson 2 of the Space To Relax Programme of online Qigong video lessons. This is a shortened version of the lesson explaining the correct Qigong stance.
Exercise – The Correct Qigong Standing Posture
1. The Position Of Your Feet
Your feet are important in giving you a stable grounding for Qigong practice. Look down and your feet and check that they are parallel and shoulder width distance apart. Your toes should not be pointing outwards or inwards.
2. The Knees
Your knees should be very slightly bent. There should be softness in your knees so that the knee joints are not locked.
3. Hips and Lower Back Area
To check this place one hand in the small of your back and one on your lower abdomen. Then make a hollow in your lower back so that it is curved by sticking the buttocks out. Feel how the vertebrae in the lower back feel squashed or compressed. Your lower back will feel tight.
Next tilt your pelvis forward by tucking the buttocks under. You will feel the lower back flatten and the whole area open up. You will feel as though there is space in this area. This openness allows the Qi to flow up and down the spine much more freely.
4. Shoulders and Arms
Your shoulders should be loose and relaxed. Your hands hang down from the shoulders by the sides of the body.
5. Head and Neck
Your neck, like your lower back, is an important area in which to maintain space and openness in order to allow for the free flow of Qi. Make sure that your head is not tilted too far forwards or too far back. Imagine the top of your head is being pulled up by a string. This creates length in the back of the neck. At the same time tuck the chin in very slightly. As you do this you will feel the back of your neck extending and opening up.
These adjustments will promote the free flow of Qi up and down your spine and in to your head.
The Qigong standing posture should be relaxed. Once you are in this position practice Abdominal Breathing in order to allow your Qi to begin to flow freely around your body.
Your Qigong standing posture is the basis of many standing Qigong exercises. Once you can stand correctly you will notice huge differences in the Qi flow around your body. Your energy will quickly feel as though it is supercharged as the Qi zooms around your body in an unimpeded way! 🙂 This is turn leads you to gain much more energy, clarity, calmness and focus.
More Information
If you’d like to learn more about the Qigong standing posture and and learn some more exercises that you can practice from this Qigong standing posture then head over to my Space To Relax homepage. Here you can sign up to receive three free video lessons which will be delivered to you by e-mail. By practising these simple 5 minute lessons you will get a flavour of the Qigong benefits of feeling much calmer and at the same time more energetic.
If you head over to my free group on Facebook, “Space To Relax Free Group” you can leave any questions for me there and I’ll be happy to answer them. Also you can leave a comment in the comments box next to this video.
Please don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button above so you don’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. Also please give this video a “Like” if you learned much more about the Qigong standing posture by reading this article.