
What some of my lovely clients have to say about learning Qigong with me

Space to Relax Program Members

My biggest frustration prior to coming to Space To Relax was sciatica and cramping in the psoas muscle, weakness in my leg muscles and poor posture. Since joining Space To Relax I find my legs are much stronger. The sciatica is gone, same with the muscle cramps in the psoas muscle. My posture is improving which I’m very happy about. I also think my breathing is deeper and more relaxed. I can now climb steps without getting breathless and feeling weak. I feel my stamina is much improved. Even just a short Qigong session will increase my energy level in a calm way.

The biggest difference between all the free Qigong available online and being part of the paid Space To Relax membership programme is the detail in the explanations and the demonstration of the movements in the lesson videos.

By being a member of the Space To Relax Facebook members group, I know I can ask a question if I need to, and I get an almost immediate and very personal reply which shows me that Janice really takes an interest in each of her students.

Janice is very detailed and clear in her explanations and takes things slowly so that you are not overwhelmed with trying to follow the moves.

I would most definitely recommend Janice Tucker and the Space To Relax membership programme.

Shirley Bauman

Video Testimonials – Click on the images below to watch them

Asier Odriozola

Asier describes how Space To Relax Qigong has helped him develop greater emotional stability and physical flexibility.

Patsy Bolton

Patsy uses Qigong as a "moving meditation" to help her remain calm and helps her stick to a regular self-care routine.

Beverley Williams

Beverley talks about using the Qigong lessons in Space To Relax as time for herself and to help her manage her job and day to day life.

Wendy Wright

Wendy describes how Space To Relax Qigong helps her to manage overwhelm and anxiety around having too much to do in her busy job.

Dee Breen

Dee has used Qigong to help her regain her balance, coordination, self esteem and confidence after a stroke.

Zoe Barley

Listen to how Zoe benefits from Qigong in order to help improve her focus and concentration during the stress of exams.

My biggest struggle was with chronic pain and lack of mindfulness. Since joining Space To Relax, I realised how simple the Qigong moves are and how basic they are to do on a daily basis. For me, I’m now much more mindful and learning to accept myself more.

The biggest difference between all the free Qigong available out there online and the Space To Relax paid lessons is that the paid membership is more like a tight ship. I don’t think anyone is afraid to put out there how they really feel.

By being a member of the Space To Relax Facebook group I know that Janice is at my call every day. She gets back to you super quick, which isn’t something you’d get everywhere.

Janice is warm kind and nurturing to your whole being.

I would absolutely recommend Janice Tucker and the Space To Relax membership programme.

Joanne Slough

Before coming to the space to relax programme, I wasn’t feeling connected to nature as much as I would have liked to be. Now I am totally connected. Now I’m able to disregard negative situations just by breathing and letting go wherever I am. The membership programme offers far more detail than any of the free Qigong out there.

Several months ago I had a fall while out walking. I didn’t break anything, but I was badly bruised and had sprained my right arm and shoulder. I feel that having started Janice’s programme several months before this happened helped so much in my speedy recovery!

By being a member of the member’s only Space To Relax Facebook group, I know that Janice is always there for me. Janice is an incredible teacher. She’s extraordinary in that her knowledge, kindness, patience, sincerity and attention to detail are amazing. Plus, I love the fact that she is so natural in every way and totally connected to nature.

I would absolutely recommend Janice and the Space To Relax membership programme.

Gaye Shepherd

Being a member of space to relax has allowed me to realize that breathing is the best thing.
My life is difficult right now with moving house, with COVID and with stress. Qigong and Janice have been a support system for me. I’m absolutely sure I will carry on as long as I’m able.
I love Janice’s approach. Qigong may seem to some to be rather esoteric and Janice is so practical, down to earth and friendly.
I would totally recommend Janice Tucker and the Space To Relax programme.


Qigong Online

Janice really knows her stuff and provides that space to be calm and relaxed by being this way herself and having a deep understanding of how important it is to take time for breath and creating space for that in the body. She offers a truly relaxing experience in a world where people are moving too fast.


I have only just started Janice’s online course, and I am already feeling the benefits. I’m practicing morning and evening and it is like taking a little holiday from the stress of modern life. I am looking forward to learning more and Janice, I want to thank you for putting this together, your video lessons are fantastic! 🙂

Karen Davison

I’m giving Janice 10/10, though I don’t see myself as a “stressed woman” (others might!!!). I see myself as woman with a demanding job (and self-inflicted high standards). But what Janice offers means that I can find a way through the demands that I make on myself and literally breathe; to focus on the good things in life! The course is great!

Wendy Wright

One to One – Back on Track 

Today I received good news that I have no evidence of cancer in my body. I was diagnosed with cancer nearly a year ago that quickly metastasized, and while reading about treatments and therapies came across something I’d never heard of before – Qigong. As travel to any Qigong retreats or centres wasn’t a good idea or even an option, I researched and came across Janice and “Space to Relax” online, which gave me the perfect solution; a one on one session with “Back on Track”.

I had tried a few Youtube Qigong lessons but ended up confused with all the different movements and wanted a simpler routine that suited my condition and lifestyle. Integrative and alternative oncology treatments are not readily available where I live, so it has been a relief to have come across something like “Back on Track”.

Learning that it’s OK to do movements that suit you, has been so helpful.  Since my “Back on Track” sessions with Janice, I have come to learn and appreciate a lot more about how my body works, and with an easy to follow range of movements that have been suggested, I have now been able to put together a routine that suits my lifestyle. I knew zero about what the spleen does and learning about this plus the recommended reading on food to suit particular deficiencies has been very insightful and helpful.

Working with the Qigong movements Janice has shown me, I have more confidence to choose other movements to add to my routine. It has also been good to know that some of the movements can be done while walking, or sitting and are so much more adaptable to my lifestyle and improving my health, than I had first considered. I was also advised not to attend acupuncture treatment due to having low immunity and the increasing Covid numbers locally, and Janice showed me some acupressure points that helped with some of the side effects I have been experiencing. 

It has been a very positive experience to meet Janice with her lovely warm smile and encouraging consultation sessions on Zoom. I found all the demonstrations and explanations of the Qigong movements to be easy to understand and follow along, plus the personalised video of my session has been invaluable as it can be easy to forget how some of the Qigong movements are done.

Sue Johnston

Yesterday I had an online session with Janice. She is such a lovely kind lady She genuinely cares about her clients. I went to her to help me with weight loss. I have put on over 10 kilos despite eating very healthily. She has given me some Qigong exercises to do to energise my organs. I have learned that our organs lose energy over time, and we need to exercise them too. I’m very excited to begin my journey and start a new life for myself.


Janice has been excellent in helping me improve my health. I have great confidence in her work. She is kind, helpful and very professional – a real lady. I highly recommend her and trust in her work very much.


I just wanted to say thank you. Your session gave me a helpful and very subtle reframe of my approach. As you reminded me it would be, it has been very slow and incremental, but I feel much more contained in my process and better able to move forward with less of a feeling of chaos and overwhelm. So, thank you very much!


I consulted with Janice in the process of dealing with grief which I was finding very difficult. Following the session with her I felt my body more calm and relaxed. I felt that I could better cope with the grief of losing tow people in my life in a short time. I am very grateful to Janice for helping me.


Audio Meditations

Thank you. I just completed the download of “Expand and Relax” My blood pressure was 200/100 on Thursday. I checked it again after completing this meditation. It was 189/101.


I love all these meditations. I found the abdominal breathing one great for relieving pain. The others (calm the 3 spirits especially) were great to quieten the mind and put me in a state of relaxation.


When I awake at night I do the Abdominal Breathing. It helps me get back to sleep again.


I got exactly what I needed – time for myself, relaxation, peace of mind. Btw, I am recovering from brain stroke at the moment so I hope I will benefit from these exercises even more in the future


Meditation 2 has been my go to meditation during the day and before I sleep. I love it. I like breathing in the good stuff – physical and emotional and gently guiding out the stuff I want to get out, in Meditation 1. Very helpful!!


First I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the extensive and beautiful work you’ve done. The meditations were perfect for someone like me whose mind and breath were all over the place. I couldn’t believe how difficult it was to get my mind in synch with my breathing…it will take many days of constant practice listening to your perfect voice pulling me through the entire meditation until I perfect it to the point of not needing your guidance so I can then go on to the next step. I notice already that I can relax my mind at night easier and I’m not so restless in bed.


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