Qigong For Sleep Problems

Qigong For Sleep Problems

Do you ever wake up feeling as though you’ve been run over by a bus? I do, but thankfully not very often. We all know the feeling of having suffered a terrible night’s sleep.  We feel exhausted both physically and mentally. We may also feel anxious that we won’t be able to function to the best of our ability at work. We may also be fearful of this happening night after night, and wonder how we are going to manage our lives if the exhaustion gets worse. In the video today you’ll learn how to use Qigong for sleep problems.

Janice Tucker is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medical Qigong. She is also the founder of the Space To Relax online programme of Qigong video lessons.

Please don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button on the page. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. These videos will help you to enhance your health and prevent illness from arising in the first place. Also please give this video a “Like” if you found it informative.

Types of Sleep Problems

There are a number of different sleep problems which can all affect the quality and quantity of the sleep we get. The result is that they can also have a negative effect on our energy levels and our mental health. The following sleep problems are listed on the Mental Health Ireland Factsheet on Sleep where you can find more information.

  1. Insomnia. This affects an estimated 20% of people and is the most common sleep disorder. This is the one we will be focusing on in this video.
  1. Narcolepsy. This is excessive sleepiness.
  1. Sleep Apnoea. The person may stop breathing at intervals in the night which then wakes them so their sleep is constantly being interrupted.
  1. Sleep Disorders in Children. This can be distressing and exhausting for both children and parents. Sleep problems can impact on the physical and emotional health of a child so are important to address as early as possible.

The Solution – Qigong For Sleep Problems

In order to be able to sleep soundly we need to have a calm mind. Often we find that our minds are too busy when we go to bed. This over-excitement in the brain can prevent us from getting off to sleep quickly and easily.

There are many practical steps you can take to ensure that your mind is calm before bed, e.g. taking regular exercise, establishing a regular time for going to bed, turning off screens at least an hour before bed, taking a bath, avoiding coffee and alcohol a few hours before going to bed.

Qigong is also the perfect practice to help you improve the quality of your sleep because every Qigong method helps to calm your mind, the essential ingredient for good sleep.

Below are a few specific tips using Qigong for sleep problems.

  1. Practice Abdominal Breathing as you are lying in bed at night. Refer to my previous video called “How to Do Qigong Abdominal Breathing or Diaphragmatic Breathing“.
  1. Watch my previous video called “How to Calm Down with Qigong” so that your mind is in a calm state before going to bed.
  1. Relaxation is very important as it gets you into the state where you can easily go to sleep. Watch the video “Qigong Relaxation Techniques” for some effective Qigong tips on how to do this.
  1. Watch another video from me called “Qigong for Sleep Difficulties” which will give you more information and useful methods of Qigong for sleep problems.

What Do I  Do Next?

If you would like to start using Qigong for sleep problems then:

  1. Head over to my Space To Relax homepage. There you can sign up for a free 3 part video series of Qigong lessons. These three lessons will you to help to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep. Once you’ve completed the free series you’ll have the opportunity to join my Space To Relax online membership programme of Qigong video lessons. This will allow you to take your practice to a whole new level where you will learn many exercises to eliminate health issues before they become a major problem. I’ll guide you step by step through many more effective Qigong methods which work to calm and clear your mind; essential factors in enabling you to sleep soundly.
  1. Subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. Also please give this video a “Like” and share with me in the comments box any tips you might have to improve the quality of your sleep.
  1. Join my free Facebook group, “Space To Relax Free Qigong Group” and leave any comments or questions for me there. I’ll be happy to answer them. Also, by joining this group, you will receive regular posts of Qigong articles and videos with really useful tips about how to use Qigong to improve your state of health.


Qigong For Period Pain

Qigong For Period Pain

Menstrual cramps or period pain are all too common. Along with cramping and pain, symptoms may include headaches, fatigue, feeling faint, breast tenderness, nausea, bloating and diarrhoea. Also, you may experience a whole range of unwanted emotions including irritability, anxiety or feeling tearful. In the video on this page you’ll learn how to use Qigong for period pain management so that you can keep this unwanted monthly misery to a minimum!

Janice Tucker is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medical Qigong. She is also the founder of the Space To Relax online programme of Qigong video lessons.

Please don’t forget to subscribe to go to my YouTube channel and click the red “Subscribe” button so you don’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. These videos will help you to enhance your health and prevent illness from arising in the first place. Also please give this video a “Like” if you found it informative.

The Impact Of Menstrual Cramps (Period Pain) On Our Lives

Any woman knows that period pain can be absolutely miserable. It can vary in intensity from mild cramping to excruciating pain which may cause us to double up and almost pass out. It may cause us to miss work, prevent us from going to social events and stop us from exercising. This truly can be a depressing experience, especially if we know it is going to happen month after month!

The Solution – Qigong For Period Pain

1. Any moving Qigong exercise. In Chinese Medicine pain is the result of the stagnation of flow of Qi, blood and/or fluid through an area. Qigong encourages the internal movement of Qi and blood in the area of the uterus resulting in a relief of stagnation and thereby pain.

2. Discharge With Vibration Method. This is lesson 3 in my free 3 part video series (more about how to access that below). This method will quickly rid waste Qi (in the form of stagnation and pain from the whole body).

3. Qigong for Cleansing. Watch my previous video on “Qigong For Cleansing“. You can use this method of Qigong for period pain because it helps to rid any waste Qi from your body, i.e. pain, nausea, bloating, headache.

What Do I Do Next?

If you would like to start using Qigong for period pain then:

1. Head over to my Space To Relax homepage. There you can sign up for a free 3 part video series of Qigong lessons. These three lessons will show you many useful pain relieving methods to help relieve menstrual cramping. Once you’ve completed the free series you’ll have the opportunity to join my Space To Relax online membership programme of Qigong video lessons. This will allow you to take your practice to a whole new level. You’ll learn many exercises to relieve pain, calm your mind and eliminate health issues before they become a major problem. This includes many more effective Qigong methods which work to harmonise the Liver and Spleen systems (those responsible for healthy and pain free periods).

2. Subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button over on YouTube so that you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. Also please give this video a “Like” and share with me in the comments box what you do to relieve period pain.

3. Join my free Facebook group, “Space To Relax Free Group” and leave any comments or questions for me there. I’ll be happy to answer them. Also, by joining this group, you will receive regular posts of Qigong articles and videos with really useful tips about how to use Qigong to improve your state of health.


Qigong For Headaches and Migraine

Qigong For Headaches and Migraine

Have you ever had a headache or migraine? If the answer to this question is “No” then you are probably in the minority of people reading this. The World Health Organisation (WHO) reports that “almost half of the adult population have had a headache at least once within the last year“. Among those people, 30% or more have reported migraine. This makes headache one of the most common disorders of the nervous system. (Click here to see the WHO document). If you or someone you know suffers with this problem then watch the video on this page to learn how you can use Qigong for headaches and migraine management.

Janice Tucker is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medical Qigong. She is also the founder of the Space To Relax online programme of Qigong video lessons.

Please head over to YouTube to subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the red “Subscribe” button. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. These videos will help you to enhance your health and prevent illness from arising in the first place. Also please give this video a “Like” if you found it informative.

The Impact Of Headache and Migraine On Our Lives

You will all no doubt know someone who suffers with recurrent headaches and/or migraine. This is because it is such a common problem affecting people of all ages, races and income levels around the world.

If you’ve ever suffered with a headache you will know that it is painful, miserable and debilitating. Other negative impacts of headache and/or migraine may include:

  • Fear of when the next one is going to occur.
  • The ability to carry out our daily tasks.
  • Days or months of work lost with a consequent financial impact.
  • A severely restricted social life.
  • Side effects of medication we may take which create further health problems for us.
  • A predisposition to further illnesses. The WHO states that “anxiety and depression are significantly more common in people with migraine than in healthy individuals“. Click here for the WHO factsheet.

I think you’ll agree that enduring recurrent headaches or migraine is not an acceptable situation!

The Solution – Qigong For Headaches and Migraine

  1. Make sure you are hydrated. Although this is not Qigong I’m including this tip here because on many occasions headache can be caused by a lack of fluid intake so ensure that you are drinking plenty of water.
  1. Discharge With Vibration Method. This is lesson 3 in my free 3 part video series (more about how to access that below). This method will quickly rid pressure in your head literally in the space of less than 5 minutes.
  1. Qigong for Cleansing. Watch my previous video on “Qigong For Cleansing“. You can use this method of Qigong for headaches and migraine because it helps to rid any waste Qi from your body, i.e. pain, dizziness, nausea, heaviness in the head.
  1. Face Wash and Massage. This simple method will give you relief from headache. Rub palms together until hot. Close eyes and place palms on eyes feeling the heat from the hands. Face wash. Comb over head down to back of neck. Pluck around eyebrows and under eyes with index finger and thumb. This brings more circulation of Qi into the face and stimulated acupuncture points around the eyes so if you have migraine where vision is affected this can be a very useful little tip to improve things for you.

What Do I  Do Next?

If you would like to start using Qigong for headaches and migraine then:

  1. Head over to my Space To Relax homepage. There you can sign up for a free 3 part video series of Qigong lessons. These three lessons, in addition to the videos referred to above, will give you many useful pain relieving methods to help relieve headaches and migraine. Once you’ve completed the free series you’ll have the opportunity to join my Space To Relax online membership programme of Qigong video lessons. This will allow you to take your practice to a whole new level where you will learn many exercises to relieve pain, calm your mind and eliminate health issues before they become a major problem. This includes many more effective Qigong methods to minimise headaches and migraine.
  1. Subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. Also please give this video a “Like” and share with me in the comments box what you do to manage headaches and/or migraine.
  1. Join my free Facebook group, “Space To Relax Free Group” and leave any comments or questions for me there. I’ll be happy to answer them. Also, by joining this group, you will receive regular posts of Qigong articles and videos with really useful tips about how to use Qigong to improve your state of health.



Qigong For Grounding

Qigong For Grounding

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we could all live our lives in a state of feeling grounded, centred and like nothing could throw us off course? Many of us feel exactly the opposite of that most of the time. We suffer from constant mental chatter, anxiety and stress! In the video on this page I’m going to show you how you can use Qigong for grounding. When you can do this you can sail more smoothly through life and it’s daily challenges without been thrown off course. You’ll remain calm, relaxed and focused, even when people around you seem to be losing the plot!

Janice Tucker is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medical Qigong. She is also the founder of the Space To Relax online programme of Qigong video lessons.

Please don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button across on Youtube. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. These videos will help you to enhance your health and prevent illness from arising in the first place. Also please give this video a “Like” if you found it informative.

What Does It Mean To Be “Grounded”?

Mindbodygreen.com published an article on grounding and wrote:

“Being grounded is an essential skill for empaths and highly sensitive people who pick up emotions from the people and environment around them. It means that you’re present in your body and connected with the earth, allowing you to feel centred and balanced no matter what’s going on around you.

If you aren’t grounded, you’re like a leaf in the wind: very vulnerable and thrown off balance very quickly. But when you are well grounded, you are like a big, strong tree. If something happens around you, it doesn’t influence you so much and you are able to feel much more peaceful and balanced in your daily life.”

For the whole article click here.

The Solution – Qigong For Grounding

Qigong methods in general are perfect grounding exercises for us as they encourage you to be present in your body and connected with the earth and nature. However there are a couple of methods which are particularly useful to get you started on your journey to feeling more grounded.

1. Breathing. Make sure that you are breathing efficiently. Qigong has the perfect solution to this as it requires us to pay conscious attention to our breath. Breathing usually takes the form of what is called “Abdominal Breathing” (as you breathe in your belly expands and as you breathe out your belly shrinks) which is extremely relaxing. This simple method alone will help you to feel more grounded, especially if you practice outside in a pleasant environment like woodland, a park or the beach.

2. Watch my previous video, “Getting Rid of the Negative With Qigong Breathing Exercises“.This is an excellent method to bring you into the present using your mind and your breath.

3. Practice a moving Qigong exercise where you have to pay attention to your movements. This will again bring you into the present and help to develop a feeling of being grounded. The more you practice the more that you will experience this feeling even when you’re not practising!

What Do I Do Next?

If you would like to start using Qigong for grounding then:

1. Head over to my Space To Relax homepage. There you can sign up for a free 3 part video series of Qigong lessons. Lesson 1 will teach you how to breathe more efficiently with Abdominal Breathing. The perfect moving Qigong exercise to perform and bring you into the present is lesson 2. Lesson 3 will teach you how to rid waste Qi (energy) from your body and feel a closer connection with the earth.

2. Subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. Also please give this video a “Like” and share with me in the comments box what you do to help you feel more grounded.

3. Join my free Facebook group, “Space To Relax Free Group” and leave any comments or questions for me there. I’ll be happy to answer them. Also, by joining this group, you will receive regular posts of Qigong articles and videos with really useful tips about how to use Qigong to improve your state of health.


How To Slow Down With Qigong

How To Slow Down With Qigong

In our busy lives it is becoming more important to develop techniques and strategies to enable us to slow down. We all have busy schedules which leads us to feeling overwhelmed and stressed. By slowing down we can learn how to create more “brain space”. This will enable us to focus, concentrate and also overcome the fatigue which results from a hectic, draining schedule of endless tasks. In the video on this page I’ll be showing you how to slow down with Qigong practice so that you can take life in your stride!

Janice Tucker is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Medical Qigong. She is also the founder of the Space To Relax online programme of Qigong video lessons.

If you are watching on YouTube please don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. These videos will help you to enhance your health and prevent illness from arising in the first place. Also please give this video a “Like” if you found it informative.

Slow Down With Qigong – Why Bother?

The faster we go the harder it is to maintain our energy levels, focus and concentration. When we notice that we are “losing control” we then become stressed. This is not good for our state of mental or physical health. We  are all pretty well aware that stress leads ultimately to a breakdown in the body (aches and pains, digestive problems, skin rashes, etc.) or mind (anxiety, depression, panic attacks).

By slowing down and doing things more deliberately we can maintain our energy levels, focus, concentration and control so that we minimise stress, overwhelm and fatigue.

Slow Down With Qigong – The Benefits

The practice of Qigong enables us to take the time to slow down. Nearly every Qigong movement is slow, deliberate and mindful. We can learn how to slow down with Qigong practice of only 5 minutes per day. This will allow your both your body and mind to take a breather and relax. Eventually this practice will start to infiltrate the rest of your daily life with the following positive results:

  • you start the day with a more positive and optimistic outlook;
  • happier day to day living;
  • a deep sense of wellbeing;
  • feeling more balanced mentally and physically;
  • having a more constant energy supply instead of highs and lows of energy;
  • feeling you are moving ahead with your life and are in control;
  • able to cope much more effortlessly with issues which you would previously have classed as a major hurdle or problem.

And who wouldn’t want any of these things?

To learn more about establishing your Qigong routine as a head over to my previous video on How to Establish a Qigong Routine.

What Do I  Do Next?

If you would like to slow down with Qigong and experience some of the positive benefits listed above then this is what you can do:

  1. Head over to my Space To Relax homepage to sign up for a free 3 part video series of Qigong lessons.
  1. Subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. Also please give this video a “Like” and share with me in the comments box what you do in your life to slow things down and take it easy.
  1. Join my free Facebook group, “Space To Relax Free Group” and leave any comments or questions for me there. I’ll be happy to answer them. Also, by joining this group, you will receive regular posts of Qigong articles and videos with really useful tips about how to use Qigong to improve your state of health.
