This is a replay of a live session showing you some Qigong exercises for stability, mobility and balance, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker. I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons and a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
Qigong Exercises for Stability, Mobility and Balance – Introduction
The theme of the exercises in this video is “stabilise to mobilise“. When our joints are stable we can then move from a position of strength with confidence that we are not going to cause ourselves injury. When our balance is stablised we feel much more secure in our Qigong movements and can gain maximum benefit from them. Improved balance is also important for seniors as this will reduce the likelihood of falling in day to day life which can have serious consequences, especially for people with osteoporosis.
In this video you will learn how to use purposeful movement combined with breath awareness and mind focus (the three elements of Qigong) in order to:
Promote free flow of Qi and blood through the joints and muscles;
Prevent injury from overstraining the body;
Improve balance for fall prevention.
Qigong Exercises for Stability, Mobility and Balance – Method
Adopt the Qigong stance and begin with a few abdominal breaths.
Loosen the shoulder joints with shoulder circles, forwards and backwards, using the breath and thinking deep inside the shoulder joint as you do this.
Bring hands into a prayer position then lift them to the level of the forehead. Bring the elbows together to meet as you exhale, stretching the trapezius muscles (the ones on the tops of the shoulders which often become very tight through poor posture and when we are under pressure). Inhale, relax and move the elbows apart. Repeat a few times.
Lift the arms to shoulder level, reach forward to move the shoulder blades apart from each other, pull the arms back into the sockets, drawing the shoulder blades towards each other, creating a “valley” between them in the upper back.
From your Qigong stance, rock forwards and backwards, bringing your awareness into the soles of your feet, in particular the ball of your foot behind the big toe and the centre of the heel.
Bend your knees, lift alternating heels a few times, then both heels off the ground together in order to practice your balance.
Finish your practice with a few abdominal breaths, taking time to observe the state of your body and mind.
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page. Take a look at some of them to find methods which you can easily combine with this one.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes. Check your junk/spam folders for notifications. Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This is a replay of a live session showing you some beginner Qigong exercises for bone density, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker. I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons. I’m also a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
Beginner Qigong Exercises For Bone Density – Introduction
As we age we lose more bone than we replace. Women tend to have less bone tissue and lose bone tissue more rapidly than men, the greatest loss occurring 5-7 years post-menopause. Also, if our bones are weaker and we happen to lose our balance and fall then we are more likely to suffer a bone fracture than someone with strong bones.
It is well documented that we can help maintain our bone density and strength by performing weight-bearing exercises. Examples include walking, jogging, racquet games, weight lifting, yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong.
It is in our interest to maintain bone density; prevention is better than cure. Hence this practice is for young and old alike.
In this video you can learn a few simple Qigong methods to help create the conditions for increased flow of Qi and blood to the bones two help slow down the loss of bone density. As balance is also an important aspect in the prevention of falls you can learn a simple balancing exercise in this video too.
The main benefits of Qigong practice for bone health include:
increased limb motility and flexibility;
stronger joints;
improved balance reducing the likelihood of falling;
improved posture to help reduce compression fractures in the spine;
relief of pain;
maintenance of bone density.
Beginner Qigong Exercises For Bone Density – Method
The methods below focus on 3 areas:
Begin with abdominal breathing to bring yourself into the Qigong state.
Adopt the correct Qigong stance to avoid vertebral compression.
Lift and drop the hands to sink the weight.
Stand on Tiptoes to Rid the 1000 Diseases movement from the 8 Pieces of Brocade.
From a horse stance, lift one heel off the floor then the other, then both at the same time.
Balance by lifting one arm up and moving the opposite leg back, lifting it off the floor for a few moments.
Abdominal breathing to consolidate your practice.
Additional Video Resources
You’ll find a few other video class replays which also relate to this routine and can be combined with it if you wish to practice a longer Qigong routine.
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page. I’d encourage you to take a look at some of them and find methods which you can easily combine with this one.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes (check your junk/spam folders for notifications). Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
Osteoporosis is a bone disease that occurs when the body loses too much bone, makes too little bone, or both. As a result, bones become weak and may break from a fall or, in serious cases, from sneezing or minor bumps. It can affect men as well as women but it is more common in women. In the video on this page I’m going to show you how you can use Qigong for osteoporosis prevention by strengthening your bones. These methods may also slow down the development of osteoporosis if you have already been diagnosed with this condition.
Please head over to YouTube to subscribe to my YouTube channel and click the red “Subscribe” button. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of health enhancing tips. These videos will help you to improve your health and prevent illness from arising in the first place. Also please give this video a “Like” if you found it informative.
Methods of Qigong for Osteoporosis
It is well known that weight bearing exercise such as walking, hiking, jogging, climbing stairs, lifting weights, playing tennis and dancing can help strengthen our bones and thereby manage the condition of osteoporosis.
In the same way, weight bearing Qigong methods will help you if you suffer with osteoporosis and help to improve bone health.
Here is a list of the methods from previous videos which will be helpful for you. Select your favourites and practice them every day as a 10 minute routine of Qigong for osteoporosis.
1. Qigong Morning Routine. Establishing a morning routine will help you get into the habit of regular practice which is important if you are to slow down the progression of osteoporosis. Click here to watch the video.
2. Qigong for Illness Prevention. In this video you will find out why it is much easier to prevent and illness or condition from arising in the first place rather than treat it once it has occurred. Click here to watch the video.
3. Qigong for Cleansing. This lovely 2 minute method can help you to rid any pains or stiffness in the body which might be associated with osteoporosis. You will feel 100% better after doing this! Click here to watch the video.
4. Qigong Standing Posture. Learn the correct standing posture to maximise the flow of Qi, (energy), blood and fluid in to the bones and joints. This method helps if you have developed a hunched posture as a result of loss of bone density. Click here to watch the video.
Where Can I Learn More?
If you would like to learn even more benefits of Qigong for osteoporosis and bone health then:
1. Head over to my Space To Relax homepage. There you can sign up for a free 3 part video series of Qigong lessons. Once you’ve completed the free series you’ll have the opportunity to join my Space To Relax online membership programme of Qigong video lessons. This will allow you to take your practice to a whole new level. You’ll learn many exercises to eliminate health issues before they become a major problem. I’ll guide you step by step through many more effective Qigong methods, all which can be adapted to be used for the condition of osteoporosis.
2. Subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. Also please give this video a “Like” and share with me in the comments box what you learned from this video.
3. Join my free Facebook group, “Space To Relax Free Qigong Group” and leave any comments or questions for me there. I’ll be happy to answer them. Also, by joining this group, you will receive regular posts of Qigong articles and videos with really useful tips about how to use Qigong to improve your state of health.
Knee pain is a relatively common condition which I see in my Chinese medicine and acupuncture clinic. Whether caused by arthritis, wear and tear of cartilage or an injury of some kind, I’ll show you in this video how to use Qigong for knee pain so that you can relieve the pain and improve flexibility in your knees.
Please head over to YouTube to subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. These videos will help you to enhance your health and prevent illness from arising in the first place. Also please give this video a “Like” if you found it informative.
The Consequences of Living With Knee Pain
Any of you who have ever suffered with pain in your knees will know that it can be miserable. Not only does the physical pain itself cause you to suffer, but it also stops you from doing the things you love which can negatively impact upon your emotional state of health. For example, you may not be able to go for your daily walk with friends, play with your children or grandchildren or carry out your job (if it is one of a physical nature).
Knee pain may also prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep because you can’t find a comfortable position in bed. You then wake up exhausted.
The fact that you can’t go about your daily business as usual or sleep properly can leave you feeling low, depressed and irritable. You may also feel fearful or anxious about how long you are going to have to endure this situation.
1. Bend your knees. Place your hands on your knees above the kneecaps with fingers facing inwards.
2. Rotate knees right. Rotate knees left.
3. Open and close knees back to front. Open and close knees front to back.
4. Bend knees and squat down (keep heels on ground)
5. Come up to standing by pushing the feet firmly into the ground.
Don’t let the knees fall in towards each other.
Only move the knees as far as is comfortable for you.
Keep movements slow and deliberate. It is sudden movement that can cause injury.
Qigong Stance
A previous video which I made on how to stand correctly for Qigong practice is in itself a perfect method of Qigong for knee pain relief. Once you adopt the correct posture this takes any pressure or strain away from your knees. The Qigong stance also promotes the free flow of blood, fluid and Qi through the knee joint so that it is nourished and energised. Click here to watch the video.
Where Can I Learn More?
If you would like to learn even more benefits of Qigong for knee pain then:
1. Head over to my Space To Relax homepage. There you can sign up for a free 3 part video series of Qigong lessons and then have the opportunity to join my Space To Relax online membership programme of Qigong video lessons. This will allow you to take your practice to a whole new level where you will learn many exercises to eliminate health issues before they become a major problem. I’ll guide you step by step through many more effective Qigong methods, all which can be adapted and used for the condition of knee pain, regardless of where in the knee you feel it.
2. Subscribe to my YouTube channel by clicking the red “Subscribe” button. That way you won’t miss my regular videos which are full of useful health enhancing tips. Also please give this video a “Like” and share with me in the comments box what you learned from this video.
3. Join my free Facebook group, “Space To Relax Free Qigong Group” and leave any comments or questions for me there where I’ll be happy to answer them. You’ll also receive regular posts of Qigong articles and videos with useful tips about how to use Qigong to improve your state of health in this group.
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