In the video on this page you can learn 3 acupressure points for trigeminal neuralgia and facial pain caused by Bell’s Palsy, TMJ, tooth issues and jaw clenching. Also you’ll see a link for a Qigong face massage to help improve the circulation of Qi, blood and fluid throughout the face, head and neck area.
3 Acupressure Points For Trigeminal Neuralgia – Introduction
Trigeminal neuralgia manifests as pain in the trigeminal nerve which provides signaling to many parts of the head and face. The pain can be sudden and feel like an electric shock. It is usually caused by a blood vessel putting pressure on the trigeminal nerve at the base of the brain, although can be due to other causes.
Trigeminal neuralgia can be triggered by any stimulation of the face such as:
touching your face;
brushing your teeth;
a breeze on your face;
washing your face;
applying make-up.
Treatment Options
Treatment offered by conventional medicine may include medications, surgery or injections. From a Chinese medical point of view pain is due to a lack of circulation of flow of blood, Qi and/or fluid through the area so we can use acupressure points on the affected channels of Qi flow (meridians) to help improve this. Also, a general QIgong face massage can be very helpful in managing the symptoms arising from not only trigeminal neuralgia but also:
Bell’s palsy;
jaw clenching or teeth grinding;
temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues;
facial paralysis post-stroke;
tooth issues.
Chinese Medicine Methods to Help Relieve Pain
3 Acupressure Points For Trigeminal Neuralgia
We can press or massage specific, beneficial acupuncture points to help manage the symptoms of trigeminal neuralgia using acupressure with the fingers. You can stimulate the 3 acupressure points for trigeminal neuralgia listed below for a couple of minutes a few times per day. Click the name of the point highlighted in blue to find more detail on the exact location of these points.
LARGE INTESTINE 4 – HEGU (contraindicated in pregnancy)
NOTE: These acupressure points are general points to use that may help you but are not a substitute for a thorough Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis from a qualified practitioner as everyone is different in terms of individual treatment approach. Also, be sure to consult with your healthcare professional if you have not already done so.
Qigong Face Massage
A general self-massage for your face, head and neck can be very helpful in relieving pain because it helps promote the free flow of blood, Qi and fluid through the areas served by the trigeminal nerve. Once circulation becomes more open and free-flowing then the pain may subside. I taught a previous live Qigong class showing you the facial massage and you can follow along by clicking here.
Additional Video Resources & Further Tips
This educational video on Qigong for nerve pain may also be of help to you:
You’ll find many other live Qigong lesson replays on my blog page. Take a look at some of them to find methods that you can easily combine with this one. You can use the search box on the blog page to find any topics you are interested in.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons, you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
If you are new to Qigong you’ll probably find my Ultimate Guide ToHealth and WellbeingWithQigong very helpful. It explains the origins and benefits of Qigong along with 10 beginner Qigong exercises to get you started.
You can click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This Qigong routine is a replay of a previous class showing you a 40-minute Qigong morning practice. This is the perfect way to help relieve stiff muscles and joints in the morning, energise the body and wake up the mind. It was part of a live Qigong class I taught on Zoom.
If you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. My passion is helping people just like you to develop skills, knowledge and tools to rebalance and maintain your health.
40-Minute Qigong Morning Practice – Introduction
If you have time and would like a longer Qigong morning practice than those I’ve previously shared with you then this could be perfect. Sometimes we only have time to practice for a few minutes in the mornings, in which case try the 10-Minute Morning Qigong Routine. However, it really is worth it now and then to spend a bit more time in nature and enjoy some quiet and peaceful early morning Qi! 🙂
40-Minute Qigong Morning Practice – Method
The list below is a reminder of the movements to refer to once you have watched the video. Once you are familiar with them this list will save you time and allow you to take your practice out into nature to enjoy!
You’ll find many other live lesson replays on my blog page. Take a look at some of them to find methods that you can easily combine with this one. You can use the search box on the blog page to find any topics you are interested in.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons, you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
If you are new to Qigong you’ll probably find my Ultimate Guide ToHealth and WellbeingWithQigong very helpful. It explains the origins and benefits of Qigong along with 10 beginner Qigong exercises to get you started.
You can click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This Qigong routine is a replay of a previous class showing you a 30-minute Qigong morning practice. This is the perfect way to help relieve stiff muscles and joints in the morning, energise the body and wake up the mind. It was part of a live Qigong class I taught on Zoom.
If you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. My passion is helping people just like you to develop skills, knowledge and tools to rebalance and maintain your health.
30-Minute Qigong Morning Practice – Introduction
Getting your day off to a good start can often determine how the rest of your day will go. Having a morning routine of Qigong is a great way to enliven the body and mind after sleeping. When we are sleeping circulation of Qi and blood slows. Sometimes in the morning it can take a while for the circulation to increase so we may feel sluggish, stiff in the muscles and joints and mentally “foggy”.
The Qigong routine in the video on this page shows you a simple morning routine to follow along with. It’s 30 minutes long but if you don’t have that much time in the morning to practice, simply select your favourite movements from this routine and spend a few minutes practicing those. Any Qigong practice is better than none at all! 🙂
You’ll find many other live lesson replays on my blog page. Take a look at some of them to find methods that you can easily combine with this one. You can use the search box on the blog page to find any topics you are interested in.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons, you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
If you are new to Qigong you’ll probably find my Ultimate Guide ToHealth and WellbeingWithQigong very helpful. It explains the origins and benefits of Qigong along with 10 beginner Qigong exercises to get you started.
You can click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This video shows you a Qigong healing sound for kidney health and a short “inner smile” meditation to warm and energise the kidney and lower back area. This is a useful routine for winter, the season associated with our Kidney system in Chinese medicine, and the time of year to pay the most attention to protecting our Kidney system from cold.
If you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. My passion is helping people just like you to develop skills, knowledge and tools to rebalance and maintain your health.
Qigong Healing Sound For Kidney – Introduction
In Traditional Chinese Medicine the season associated with the Kidney system is Winter. This is the time when our Kidney system needs a little more attention, bolstering and protection because Kidney is easily damaged by cold.
Our Kidney system is responsible for:
Birth, growth, reproduction and sexuality;
Hair growth;
Fluid balance;
Opening and closing of the “Yin orifices” (urethra and anus);
Lower back, knees and teeth.
When our Kidney system is under pressure or deficient we may observe signs such as:
Premature birth, slow growth in children, loss of libido, fertility issues;
Premature baldness or thinning hair;
Water retention, especially from the waist down;
Pain, aches, weakness or stiffness in the lower back and/or knees;
Problems with teeth.
In addition to Kidney being susceptible to cold, this system is also easily damaged by the emotions of fear and shock. Its associated taste is salty so a Kidney deficient person may crave salty foods.
The Qigong routine in the video on this page shows you a simple Qigong healing sound for Kidney which helps to rid or “discharge” any sick or waste Qi from the organ system. The second part of the routine is a lovely meditation for the Kidney for you to follow along with.
Use the movements, breath and mind along with the healing sound for Kidney which is “Chui” (pronounced “Chway”). Repeat six times to each side then rest your arms by your sides and observe your body and breathing. Repeat as many times as you wish. Because this is a discharging method then it is best to practice outside or near an open window (but not in a draught) so that the sick Qi dissipates into the atmosphere and does not remain in your living space.
Follow along with my voice for the simple Qigong meditation for Kidney.
Consolidate your practice with a few abdominal breaths.
Additional Video Resources & Further Tips
In addition to this routine of Qigong for muscle and joint stiffness, you may find the routines listed below helpful.
You’ll find many other live lesson replays on my blog page. Take a look at some of them to find methods that you can easily combine with this one. You can use the search box on the blog page to find any topics you are interested in.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons, you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
If you are new to Qigong you’ll probably find my Ultimate Guide ToHealth and WellbeingWithQigong very helpful which explains the origins and benefits of Qigong along with 10 beginner Qigong exercises to get you started.
You can click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This video shows you a Qigong healing sound for Lungs & a meditation for grief. This 30-minute Qigong lesson will a) discharge waste or sick Qi from the Lungs to improve breathing and resistance to infection and b) healthily process grief using a Qigong meditation.
These classes are free and everyone is welcome, however, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. My passion is helping people just like you to develop skills, knowledge and tools to rebalance and maintain your health.
You can join my live classes on Zoom on the first Thursday of each month at 4 pm Irish time by clicking here (lesson replays are sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
Qigong Healing Sound For Lungs & A Meditation For Grief – Introduction
In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) autumn is the season associated with the Lungs. This is the season when our Lung Qi can be more challenged by coughs, colds and infections so it’s important to do what we can to optimise Lung health.
There are many Qigong methods that can help create the conditions for open and free-flowing Qi, blood and fluid through the Lungs in order to enhance their functions of healthy breathing, protection against infection, healthy skin and regulation of fluid metabolism.
The first method below shows you a simple “discharging” exercise to rid any waste of sick Qi in the Lungs which may be impeding free flow of Qi. The second is a lovely meditation to help you release grief and sadness (the associated emotions of the Lungs in TCM), resulting in a feeling of calmness and lightness in your body and mind.
Qigong Healing Sound For Lungs & A Meditation For Grief – Method
Use the “ssss” sound or the “Xia” sound to help discharge waste Qi from the Lungs. Repeat the movement and sound 6 times to each side, or for as long as it takes for you to feel a little freer in the lung area.
Follow my voice for a guided meditation which will help you to process the feelings of sadness and grief.
Consolidate your practice with a few abdominal breaths.
Additional Video Resources & Further Tips
In addition to this 20-minute Qigong healing sound for Lungs and a meditation for grief, you may find the routines listed below helpful.
You’ll find many other live lesson replays on my blog page. Take a look at some of them to find methods that you can easily combine with this one. You can use the search box on the blog page to find any topics you are interested in.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. After you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes. Check your junk/spam folders for notifications and then share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons, you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
If you are new to Qigong you’ll probably find my Ultimate Guide ToHealth and WellbeingWithQigong very helpful which explains the origins and benefits of Qigong along with 10 beginner Qigong exercises to get you started.
You can click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.