This is a replay of a Qigong podcast interview “Create More Energy In Your Life” conducted by my Chinese medicine practitioner colleague, Lucy Townsley, who started her own podcast on women’s health in January 2022. She has interviewed a number of fascinating, knowledgable experts about many health matters affecting women and I was fortunate enough to be invited to speak on her podcast.
In this Qigong video interview I emphasise my passion and belief in equipping my clients and Qigong students with tools which they can use to manage their health for themselves. These “Qigong tools” encourage you to take responsibility for your own health, giving you confidence and empowering you so that you no longer feel helpless when it comes to your state of health.
Main Points
In the podcast I explain to you how to:
Annihilate Anxiety
Extinguish Exhaustion
Minimise Mind Chatter
Help Boost Immunity
Qi Gong is a different type of exercise where you don’t force your body to move. You use your breath and mind to lead the body’s movement. This can be helpful if you suffer from pain.
Breathing is a huge part of Qigong. When you breathe in deeply and feel the belly expand out. The diaphragm will then move in different directions, sideways, forwards, backward, up, and down. The benefits of breathing are huge… Breathing brings energy to your body called Qi in Chinese Medicine. Breathing in and out of the nose helps calm the mind and helps with anxiety.
Do you have a place in your body that is painful? If so, I explain how breathing into the area can help ease your pain.
In this podcast, it’s made very clear that anyone can learn how to turn their health around. You can be in control of your life. Once you start on this journey it helps ease any worry of future health concerns.
The most important takeaway for you from my Qigong video interview is to understand that change can happen by allowing rather than forcing things unnaturally. Many Qigong students put in too much effort rather than simply enjoying and observing their practice. 😊
What Can I Do Next?
If you are interested in learning some simple Qigong you can join my live classes on Zoom on the firstThursday of each month at 4 pm Irish time. You can follow the live classes free of charge.
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are accessible are suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes. Check your junk/spam folders for notifications as they could end up there. Please share this information with family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email please go to my homepage. In these lessons, you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing and Qi movement. In addition, you’ll learn how to rid waste Qi from your body to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
For more information about Lucy Townsley and to access the free resources on her website please click here.
In this Qigong video you can learn about the factors which determine whether or not Qigong practice can make you tired, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker, the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons. These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. My passion is helping people just like you to develop skills, knowledge and tools to rebalance and maintain your health.
You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
Can Qigong Make You Tired? – Introduction
Qigong as an exercise can leave us feeling both relaxed and energised at the same time. It is different from conventional exercise in that we often gain energy from Qigong practice, rather than using it up. However, my students have often commented that they can feel tired after Qigong practice. Why is this? I’ve noticed that 3 main factors contribute to post Qigong tiredness:
Your individual energy levels. Pay attention to how you feel on any particular day and whether or not you are exhausted from certain medications and treatments you may have received, e.g. chemotherapy.
The Qigong exercises you choose to practice. More strenuous Qigong will naturally require more energy (Qi) than more gentle, meditative practice.
Stimulation of healing as a result of Qigong takes energy that comes from you. If you do too much of this, you will naturally feel more tired as your body works to bring itself back into a healthy balance.
Objective: To show you a choice of example Qigong methods requiring varying degrees of effort.
Result: You will know how to discern and choose the most appropriate Qigong exercises for you which will best suit your energy levels on any particular day.
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page. Take a look at some of them to find methods that you can easily combine with this one.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes. Check your junk/spam folders for notifications. Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
In this Qigong video you can learn a simple 15 minute Qigong routine for beginners, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker, the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons. These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. My passion is helping people just like you to develop skills, knowledge and tools to rebalance and maintain your health.
You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
15 Minute Qigong Routine For Beginners – Introduction
For those of you who are new to Qigong you may not know that this ancient practice is a combination of simple movements, breathing and mind focus to create the conditions whereby your Qi can flow more openly within your body and mind. When this happens your body begins to “regulate” itself and comes back into a healthy balance.
In this 15 minute Qigong routine for beginners, you will learn how to enjoy Qigong, not taking it too seriously, not striving for perfection (which creates stress!) and instead, enjoying the smooth and easy flow of your movement and breath.
The objective of this routine is to:
Energise your body;
Calm mind chatter;
Improve your sleep;
Aid weight loss.
The result of this practice is that you will feel both relaxed and invigorated at the same time. It is the perfect method to perform in the morning as a kick start to your day but can be practiced anytime.
15 Minute Qigong Routine For Beginners – Method
Settle into your practice with a few abdominal breaths to bring yourself into the Qigong state.
Perform a few arm circles to circulate and encourage the Qi to move down into Dan Tian (in the lower abdomen) and your legs/feet.
Repeat a few rounds of the upper back and shoulder stretch.
Perform a variation of “Swimming Dragon” either from a sitting (arm and head movements only) or standing position (horse stance of regular Qigong stance).
Shake out any remaining tension by vibrating the body for a minute or so.
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page. Take a look at some of them to find methods that you can easily combine with this one.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes. Check your junk/spam folders for notifications. Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
In this Qigong video you can learn how to develop your skill of Qigong energy flow to reduce stress, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker, the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons. These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website. I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. My passion is helping people just like you to develop skills, knowledge and tools to rebalance and maintain your health.
You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
Qigong Energy Flow To Reduce Stress – Introduction
The big problem for many of us with modern day life is the amount of stress that it can cause us. Stress can lead to many other detrimental effects on our minds and bodies, for example:
Poor sleep;
Anxiety and depression;
More specific health problems such as fibromyalgia, digestive problems, high blood pressure and diabetes.
In terms of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Qigong, stress is simply due to a lack of smooth flow of Qi (energy) leading to:
Blocked emotions which cannot be expressed in a healthy way;
Stagnation of physical circulation and a consequent decrease in our energy levels.
How do we unblock this?
What we don’t do is try to force anything to happen as the stress of trying too hard can create even more stagnation of Qi and frustration.
What we can do is simply ALLOW our bodies to bring themselves back into a natural balance by creating the conditions by which our Qi and emotions can flow smoothly. When we do this, we don’t need to do anything else as the Qi will then flow to where it is needed in order for healing and revitalisation of your body and mind to take place.
The objective of the Qigong energy flow in this video is to:
Create conditions for allowing the Qi to flow smoothly;
Create physical and mental SPACE for healing.
The results of following this 15 minute Qigong routine can include:
A more calm and clear mind;
A revitalised and energised body;
Less mind chatter and more focus;
Improved sleep.
This is a perfect Qigong for beginners method if you are new to Qigong as it is easy to follow. However, it is a skill and, like any skill, is developed over time so please be patient with yourself if you don’t feel the flow when you first start out.
Qigong Energy Flow To Reduce Stress – Method
Settle into your practice with a few abdominal breaths to bring yourself into the Qigong state.
Relax your whole body a little more with each exhalation. Begin to feel your body swaying as your Qi begins to flow more freely.
Once you are comfortable with the swaying motion of your body perform a few “Circles” movements with your arms, allowing the swaying of your body to continue.
Consolidate your practice with a few abdominal breaths.
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page. Take a look at some of them to find methods which you can easily combine with this one.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes. Check your junk/spam folders for notifications. Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This is a replay of a Qigong video interview conducted by Robert Bowley who put together a Qigong Summit in January 2020. He interviewed one Qigong expert per day for 30 minutes over a period of 21 days. This was a monumental effort on Rob’s behalf in response to the increasing desire to know more about ancient healing systems and how we can bring them into our lives in the modern day. Rob’s intention was to interview experts who could provide solutions to transform your health and build emotional resilience.
I was amongst an esteemed group of Qigong experts so I felt extremely fortunate to be invited to be interviewed by Rob.
In this Qigong video interview I emphasise my passion and belief in equipping my clients and Qigong students with tools which they can use to manage their health for themselves. These “Qigong tools” encourage you to take responsibility for your own health, giving you confidence and empowering you so that you no longer feel helpless when it comes to your state of health.
Main Points
Particular points to note from my Qigong Summit interview are: 1. That Qigong is not about pushing & straining to achieve a goal. Rather, you enter into the practice and allow things to unfold; 2. The ways in which my students have gained huge benefits by practicing Qigong regularly; 3. Why Qigong can help you enjoy better sleep; 4. How you can allow your emotions to flow through you & be processed through your body/mind or expressed in a healthy way. By doing this you can gain peace of mind & happiness in your relationships with others.
The most important takeaway for you from my Qigong video interview is to understand that change can happen by allowing rather than forcing things unnaturally. Many Qigong students put in too much effort rather than simply enjoying and observing their practice. 😊
What Can I Do Next?
If you are interested in learning some simple Qigong you can join my live classes on Zoom every Tuesday at 10 am and Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. These lessons will continue for the duration of Covid-19 and until I can return to my face to face Acupuncture/Chinese Medicine clinics. You can follow the live classes free of charge.
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are accessible are suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes. Check your junk/spam folders for notifications as they could end up there. Please share this information with family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email please go to my homepage. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing and Qi movement. In addition, you’ll learn how to rid waste Qi from your body to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
For more information about Robert Bowley and to access the free resources on his website please click here.