This is a replay of a live session showing you some Qigong for cultivating love, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker. I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons. I’m also a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
Qigong For Cultivating Love – Introduction
This is a fun Qigong practice in celebration of St. Valentine’s Day. In this video I share with you how to use Qigong to help enhance your energetic connection with others. The methods you’ll see here can apply to romantic relationships and/or relationships with family and friends.
Please remember that you can only invest your Qi in relationships with others once you have invested time in taking care of your own Qi first.
Qigong For Cultivating Love – Method
Begin by adopting the correct Qigong sitting or standing posture and performing a few abdominal breaths in order to first cultivate your own Qi (see more here).
If you are practising with a partner, open your eyes to look at them and smile at them. If you are practising alone, picture the other person in your mind’s eye, with your eyes closed.
Perform the chest/heart opening method to connect to your partner.
Press the palms towards your partner, sending Qi, joy, love, compassion (or whatever you choose) in their direction. As you bring your palms back to your chest, think of receiving what your partner has sent you.
Consolidate your practice by finishing with a few abdominal breaths, focusing on yourself and Dan Tian.
Additional Video Resources
You’ll find some other video class replays which you could incorporate into your own Qigong winter routine!
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page. I’d encourage you to take a look at some of them and find methods which you can easily combine with this one.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes (check your junk/spam folders for notifications). Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This is a replay of a live session showing you a Qigong routine for Spring, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker. I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons. I’m also a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
Qigong Winter Routine – Introduction
This is Part 2, showing you a second Qigong winter routine. The exercises in this video are focusing on conserving energy and nourishing Qi, appropriate methods for the winter and preparation for the springtime.
The methods you’ll learn here focus are more meditative and less physical, in accordance with the slower pace of winter.
If you live in the southern hemisphere and it is summer right now, you can still use this routine for anytime you feel exhausted, lethargic and as though you need a little nurturing and self-care in order to recharge your batteries.
Qigong Winter Routine – Method
Begin by adopting the correct Qigong sitting or standing posture and performing a few abdominal breaths (see more here).
Use one of the Six Healing Sounds, the sound of the kidney, to help rid waste or turbid Qi from the Kidney system before moving on to nourish and bring more Qi into the body.
Perform the “Supporting Heaven” method to stretch the whole body and help create the conditions by which the Qi can flow more freely, especially along the sides of the body and arms. This is the first movement in the “Eight Pieces of Brocade” Qigong sequence, a famous set of exercises which I teach in my Space To Relax Qigong Programme.
You can lie down for the next method and listen to my voice for the meditation “Relax, Expand and Nourish The Heart” which is also available as a free audio meditation download called “Calm Your Busy Mind In 8 Minutes“.
Finish your practice with a few abdominal breaths.
Additional Video Resources
You’ll find some other video class replays which you could incorporate into your own Qigong winter routine!
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page. I’d encourage you to take a look at some of them and find methods which you can easily combine with this one.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes (check your junk/spam folders for notifications). Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This is a replay of a live session showing you a Qigong routine for Spring, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker. I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons. I’m also a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
Full Moon Qigong Routine – Introduction
The Qi of the moon is particularly strong around full moon time. The moon can provide us with Qi which is more Yin in nature. The Yin functions of the body include cooling, moistening and nourishing so when we absorb Yin Moon Qi it using specific Qigong methods it can help us to balance these functions. This can be especially useful for you if your Yin is deficient (indicated by such symptoms as red eyes, dry skin and hair, constipation, restless sleep and anxiety).
The Qigong in this video can be used for:
1. If you suspect you are Yin deficient (although it’s always best to seek a diagnosis from a qualified practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine rather than attempting to diagnose yourself).
2. Feelings of tiredness and lethargy. It can be used in conjunction with last week’s Lesson 44 “Winter Qigong Routine“
Full Moon Qigong Routine – Method
Begin by adopting the correct Qigong sitting or standing posture and performing a few abdominal breaths (see more here).
Follow along with the “Turn To Look At The Moon” movement.
Adopt the “Stand Like A Tree” posture and meditate on holding the moon between your hands.
Finish your practice with a few abdominal breaths.
Additional Video Resources
You’ll find a few other video class replays which also relate to resting, recuperating and nourishing your Yin Qi
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page. I’d encourage you to take a look at some of them and find methods which you can easily combine with this one.
Click on this image above to view the video
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes (check your junk/spam folders for notifications). Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This is a replay of a live session showing you a Qigong routine for Spring, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker. I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons. I’m also a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
Qigong Winter Routine – Introduction
This class was inspired by a couple of my Space To Relax members who told me that they were finding it difficult to get back into the swing of their Qigong practice in the New Year.
This video shows you an example of a winter Qigong practice. In winter we focus, as does the natural world, on conserving energy, nourishing our Qi, and storing up our reserves in preparation for the more active months of spring and summer.
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the system associated with the season of the winter is the Kidney. The Kidney is also related to the emotion of fear so on a mental and emotional level this practice can help you transform fear into tranquility and confidence in your own ability.
The methods you’ll learn here focus on nourishing the kidney system and are more meditative and less physical, in accordance with the slower pace of winter.
If you live in the southern hemisphere or near the equator, you can still use this routine anytime you might feel fatigued and need some restoration on a physical and mental level.
Qigong Winter Routine – Method
Begin by adopting the correct Qigong sitting or standing posture and performing a few abdominal breaths (see more here).
Use one of the Six Healing Sounds, the sound of the kidney, to help rid waste or turbid Qi from the Kidney system before moving on to nourish and bring more Qi into the body.
Perform the Kidney massage to invigorate and bring more Qi into the Kidney and lower back.
Use a gentle circling movement to encourage Qi from the natural world into Dan Tian in the lower abdomen.
Finish your practice with a few abdominal breaths.
Additional Video Resources
You’ll find some other video class replays which also relate to the Kidney below. Choose some of the Qigong methods from these videos to formulate your own Qigong routine!
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page. I’d encourage you to take a look at some of them and find methods which you can easily combine with this one.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes (check your junk/spam folders for notifications). Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This is a replay of a live session showing you a Qigong routine for Spring, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker. I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons. I’m also a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
Qigong For Connecting With Yourself and Others – Introduction
This year has been challenging for many of us in that we haven’t been able to travel to visit friends and family because of the Covid-19 pandemic. We are still in the same situation coming up to Christmas. Many of us will not have the opportunity to be in the physical presence of our loved ones. For this reason I wanted to show you how to get creative and use Qigong to help with that! Qi is present everywhere; in your body, in nature and in the universe.
In this class you’ll learn how to use Qigong for connecting with yourself and others. Firstly, you’ll activate your own Qi to connect on a deeper level with yourself and then with others to send them kindness, gratitude and compassion.
Begin by adopting the correct Qigong sitting or standing posture and performing a few abdominal breaths (see more here).
Twist your body from side to side and as you turn gently tap the point Zhongfu (Lung 1) under your collar bones with loose fists. This helps stimulate the Lung system which is associated with your Wei (defensive) Qi and the emotions of sadness and grief. Stimulating this point may therefore help boost your immunity and help you to process grief and sadness in the healthiest way possible for you.
Open and close the chest, coordinating this movement with your abdominal breath to create conditions for open flow of Qi around the chest and upper back.
Use the “Circles” method to encourage the movement of Qi in the four directions.
With your arms extended connect your Qi with others in your practice group, your friends or family.
Hold a ball of Qi in front of your body. Use your mind to share this healing Qi with someone you love. Send them kindness, compassion and gratitude for your relationship with them.
Finish your practice with a few abdominal breaths. Know that you can use this practice to connect with your loved ones at any time you choose.
Integrating Qigong For Connecting With Yourself and Others Into Your Day
You can take a few moments anytime over the course of the Christmas period to connect with those people you can’t see in person. All you need to do is quieten your mind and body to connect with your own Qi. Then, think of sending love, kindness and compassion to the person you have in mind.
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page. I’d encourage you to take a look at some of them and find methods which you can easily combine with this one. A good example is “Qigong for Present Moment Living“. This lesson replay will help you to further connect and activate your Qi before sending it to your loved ones.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes (check your junk/spam folders for notifications). THIS IS THE LAST CLASS REPLAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS. I’LL BE RESUMING LIVE CLASSES IN JANUARY 2020. Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.
This is a replay of a live session showing you a Qigong routine for Spring, taught by myself, Dr. Janice Tucker. I have been teaching Qigong for two decades and am the founder of the Space To Relax Programme of Qigong video lessons. I’m also a practitioner of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. You can join my live classes on Zoom every Thursday at 4 pm Irish time. Click here to join us (lesson replays sent out by email in case you can’t make it).
These classes are free and everyone is welcome. However, if you’d like to contribute as a thank you for the class click here. 50% of donations will go to the ICU staff in my local hospital in Co. Kerry. The other 50% goes towards the upkeep of this website.
Qigong Spine Stretch – Introduction
In this video you’ll learn a couple of simple Qigong spine stretches. The aim of these exercises is to:
– loosen your spine and improve flexibility;
– connect your whole body to the movement of the spine;
– practice cultivating your awareness and powers of observation by feeling into your spine;
– promote the 4 directions of Qi flow;
– help improve your posture;
– relax the nervous system;
Focus on:
Complete relaxation of your arms;
Slow and careful movement (never do anything that produces a sensation of pain).
How the limbs pull on your spine as you move in order to maintain your balance.
Begin by adopting the correct Qigong standing posture and performing a few abdominal breaths (see more here).
Drop your chin to your chest to begin and roll your head and arms slowly forward feeling the arms and crown of your head being pulled down by gravity. Perform this movement SLOWLY, one vertebra at a time until you reach the lower back area. If you cannot reach the floor then place your hands on your thighs or shins (not your knees) when you reach the full extent of your movement. If you can touch the ground then at this point straighten your legs a little to create a gentle stretch in the hamstrings.
Feel the different sections of your spine as you descend. Pause as you descend if you feel any areas of tension or stuck Qi (energy) and release this by slowly exhaling, softening into the area.
To come back up, roll up slowly from the lower back to the vertebrae in the neck, keeping the head and arms down until the last moment. Then lift the head back to upright, drop your shoulders and feel into your spine (you may feel taller).
Repeat this Qigong spine stretch at least three times.
Perform the “Looking Back Over Shoulder” exercise which is one of the 8 Pieces of Brocade, a classical Qigong set of exercises that benefit the whole body and which you can learn in my Space To Relax 50-week programme of Qigong video lessons.
Consolidate your practice by finishing with a few abdominal breaths and taking a few moments with your eyes closed to notice how your body and mind feel.
Integrating The Qigong Spine Stretch Into Your Day
You can practice any of the movements shown in this video whenever you have 5 minutes. They are perfect for those of you who spend a large portion of your day driving our working at a computer as they will provide relief for your back and energise your body.
Many other live lesson replays can be found on my blog page so I’d encourage you to take a look at some of them and find methods which you can easily add to the end of this one. A good example is “Qigong For Back Problems“.
Click the image above to follow along with the Qigong class!
What Can I Do Next?
To sign up and attend the live online sessions please click here. Classes are free of charge and suitable if you’re a beginner or have more Qigong experience. Once you sign up I’ll send details to your email with links to the Zoom classes (check your junk/spam folders for notifications). Please share this information with your family and friends as everyone is more than welcome.
If you’d like to take your practice to the next level with my structured, step-by-step Space To Relax Qigong programme of 50 video lessons accompanied by audio and PDF files with support from me every step of the way then click here.
To get my free part video series of 3 Qigong lessons which will be delivered to you by email over the course of one week please click here. In these lessons you’ll learn more about abdominal breathing, Qi movement and how to rid waste Qi. This will help you to feel more relaxed and energised.
You can also click the red “subscribe” button to join my YouTube channel. That way, you won’t miss any future Qigong lessons from me.